A Broker Helped Me Sell My Record Store

I'd been a proud director of a local record store for nearly twenty years. I started it due to my my passion for an ever-expanding vinyl collection. I had so many LPs I was almost forced to begin selling and trading them as an occupation. Well, I decided to found a record store. I loved it. But a couple years ago I made the decision to sell. I listed my business on the market. This decision was hard but actually selling it was even more hard.

My wife suggested hiring a business adviser to assist me. I wanted to evade selling to big, souless, and national companies. I wanted the new management would keep the original, DIY leanings that I'd nurtured. Thankfully, the exclusive franchising territories Denver CO respected my intention and after seven months we stumbled upon a great buyer.

Now that it's not my record store I still stop by to look for vinyl. I'm constantly happy to see the new arrivals, but dismally my record collection is growing.