Nearly twenty-five years ago I founded a record store in my city. I started it due to my my fascination for various musical genres. My significant other proposed that maybe I should start a business. I think she was hoping to get those records out of our home. Well, I decided to found a record store. It was a blast, for awhile. But it didn't take before I made the decision to sell. I began to look into ways of selling my record store. This decision was hard but actually finding the right buyer was even more difficult.
I looked to hire a business broker to help me secure the best terms of sale possible. I hoped to evade selling to big, souless, and national companies. The new owner, I hoped, would keep the small store attitude. Once I located a handyman franchise territories Chicago IL I was glad they would try to respect my hopes.
As a fan of music, I stop by my old shop to purchase records. I'm constantly looking for more records, but the problem being my record collection is quickly growing.