Selling a Business is Formidable. Hire a Broker

I'd been a happy director of a hip record store for over a decade. I started it due to my my enthusiasm for an ever-expanding LP collection. My wife mentioned I build a record store. I think she was hoping to get those records out of the house. I did this for awhile but around three years ago I came upon the realization that having a business was sucking the fun out of the music. I started to look into opportunities to sell my shop. The decision was hard but actually finding a buyer was even more complicated.

I looked to find a business broker to help me secure the best terms of sale possible. I wanted to circumvent selling to larger, less local companies. The new managers, I hoped, would keep the small, local store feeling. Once I found a available franchise opportunities Atlanta GA I was grateful they would try to respect my desire.

As a fan of music, I stop by my former record store to purchase records. I'm constantly happy to see the new arrivals, but horribly my record collection is expanding. I hope I'll keep these records in my home this time.