Reduce Gutter Maintenance with a Awning <br/> <br/>

Carl phoned me once more. Carl does this a lot. Somebody should plunder that guy's telephone. He says "Howdy." One word then silence. With Carl a pattern has developed.

We-Carl. others less likely to call-live in a small, quaint row of homes. Everyone knows each other so Carl thinks this closeness, this accidental proximity is consent to reign over communication as if Carl is the most affable Stalin in history.

So what did he have to tell me this time? Excitedly he asks me to come by; he had something very cool to show me. I walk over after I'd listed a bunch of excuses. Carl expertly unfurled them to the mere excuses. He is good at doing that. If he is good at one thing, that thing is unfurling

His accommodations are as unrestrained as his personality. Consecrating the end of winter he's set-up a fifteen foot tall, decorative groundhog. Gaudy, swaying, it greets me as I approach his front door. The best neighbor ever swings open his front door before I am able to knock. Cupping my arm he back towards his front yard. Carl stares upward. I look up. I wonder why. The sun is bright but my immediate future isn't.

"Can you see that?" No. "I installed a gutter cover." Great. "It's awesome". He tells me the cover prevents leaves and stuff from blocking water flow, which reduces the amount of cleaning service I have to provide." And he, finally, was actually onto something.

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