What To Do After a Fire in Your Home

Fire Damage – Fires destroy or damage all they can, regardless of what it is and how much it cost to purchase. From replacing belonging to repairing structural damage, our Paul Davis can provide the fire damage services you need. This isn't all. We also clean up water used by firefighters and provide mold remediation. We strive to get your home back to normal fast, regardless the extent of your damage.

Smoke Damage – Property damage following a fire will not be restricted to what the flames do. Smoke damage can also find its way into many areas of your house, some of which are nearly difficult to track without the right tools. Our trained restoration specialists can find an area where smoke is present, eliminate odors, and sanitize the air in that area. Are you dealing with the aftermath of smoke damage to your home? Then now is the time to talk to Paul Davis!

Why Paul Davis? At Paul Davis, we are dedicated to helping you restore your home from the fire and smoke damage you've experienced to the way it was before. Regardless of what the situation may be, you can depend on our team to deliver prompt service and personalized attention. Learn more about fire damage repair Darby PA by contacting us today!