What to Do If You Experience a House Fire

Fire Damage – Whatever sits in its way, a fire will destroy or damage it. From contents cleaning to restoring structural damage, our Paul Davis can provide all the fire damage services you need to get over something like this. Typically, fire damage is joined by by water used by firefighting crews. We'll also clean up this water and treat affected areas. We strive to get your property back to normal fast, no matter what the fire damage is. Smoke Damage – The damage after a fire won't be restricted to what is done by the flames. Smoke is able to creep its way into many areas in a home and inflict varying degrees of smoke damage. We will determine where smoke damage exists, remove odors, and sanitize the area. If your house has been damaged by smoke, the most important choice you can make is trusting the team at your local Paul Davis Restoration.Paul Davis Fire Damage Restoration Specialists This Paul Davis franchise has the fire and smoke restoration tools to help you get back on your feet after fire damage. Regardless of what has happened, you can count on our team to deliver fast and personalized service. Find out more about smoke restoration company Hanover NH by contacting us today!